
Sunday 12 August 2018

A Terps Meme via Hermione ...

Since the last one was so much fun, here's one more meme courtesy of Hermione and Terps ... 

Who's oldest?
Frank (5 yrs).

Who was interested first?
Me ... I changed desks to his side of the classroom the day after he walked into the class.

Same High school?
For about 2 weeks. He had returned to school as an adult student to pick up a course but he only lasted a couple of weeks.

Most sensitive?

Worse temper?
Me ... visibly ... he stuffs it deep inside and goes silent.

More social?
He is ... when he's out and about in the yard, we lose him ... he's always yakking to one neighbour or another.

More stubborn?

Wakes up first?
Usually me but he is up first to do chicken chores, and in summer, veggie garden watering and tending.

Bigger Family?
He does ... a huge family! 100+ with 5 living generations, almost all living within the same geographic region.

I enjoy the occasional bouquet.

Who cooks the most?
I do all the cooking ... even the grilling 

Cries more?
Me ... I have a tender heart but he's not above tears if something moves him.

Said I love you first?
He did.

Better singer?
He has/had a beautiful tenor voice that he no longer shares. He was a choir singer, a rock band lead singer, and sang and played guitar around the campfire for many years. Arthritis stopped the guitar playing and subsequently the singing. If you don't use it, you lose it.

Better driver?
We are both good drivers but after a near fatal car crash in his late teens, where he was the passenger, he does not like the control of the car to be in any hands but his.

Hogs the remote?
He has it all to himself because I rarely watch TV ... however, I am a tech-head so I do all the DVR programming, etc.

Better cook?
See 'who cooks the most?' ;))

Clothes And Shoe Hoarder?
Depends ... I have and buy the most clothes and shoes. He has the oldest wardrobe ever ... I have to nag him to buy clothes. He wore a uniform type of work clothing for many years. That habit carried on into retirement where he wears jeans and white tees in the summer and jeans and black tees in the winter. However, he does clean up pretty good when its time to get fancy ... in his old fancy clothes :))

I have an upcoming art event I need to be heads down getting ready for so if I am missing in Blogland for a bit, that's why ... 

Have a great rest of the summer! 
... thanks for dropping by ... nj 


  1. Fun to read! Thank u for sharing.

  2. Really enjoyed reading your answers NJ. What a shame Frank no longer sings or plays. Lead singer in a rock cool :)


    1. Hi Roz ... Unfortunately, lead singer was pre me. I only got to see him perform once when they had a band reunion shortly after we started dating ... yeaah ... as I remember it, he was pretty hot! :))) ... nj ... xx

  3. I remember doing this one. I love the extra glimpses into our blogging friends’ lives we get through memes. Thank you for sharing.
    Rosie xx

    1. Happy to hear you enjoyed the read, Rosie ... nj ... xx

  4. Lovely answers, enjoyed reading. Thanks for sharing.


  5. It seems that the two of you fit together very well - of course, we already knew that.

  6. NJ,
    Regarding the who was interested first... You moved your desk.....are you saying you were a flirt, NJ? You sly little fox.

    Oh, so your temper is worse than his, but you cry more, yet he is as sensitive as you are. Very interesting combination. You guys make a great couple and are so good for one another!

    Great meme! I learned some stuff 'bout ya!

    1. You are funny, Ms Windy! :)) ... I think it was more than flirting ... he didnt have a chance ... I was a small town girl whose new city girlfriends, upon hearing of my interested in the dark haired man/boy, gave me a city girl makeover ... Ahem! ... my father was kinda shocked with what I was wearing when Frank drove me home that day ... yikes! ... as a parent, I think I would have grounded me! haha! ... nj ... xx

    2. HAHAAHA A flirt and a floozy, you were? No wonder why Frank takes an interest in you wearing dresses, and girly things.... reminds him of the day he drove you home! HA! Hugs! Windy

  7. Great answers, memes are always fun to read.
    Enjoy your art event, may it go exactly as you hope it does. :)

    1. Thanks, Laurel ... I hope the event goes well too ... I am a little behind in getting ready however procrastination is my middle name ;) ... so I know how to hit that deadline at the last minute. I have a quick repeat city trip to make first (I'm travelling today) then I will get get back to work hard ... nj

  8. Hi Nora Jean, nice answers, this was a great meme.
    love Jan, xx

  9. NJ,
    Sorry I am late here. Loved your answers and will try this one soon.
    Love reading here.

    1. Thanks! and you're never too late, Meredith ... I look forward to reading your version ... nj

  10. I so laughed at Frank's summer and winter wardrobes! I once wrote a meme question about which article of clothing of your husband's would you most like to throw away. The answers were so funny.

    Must try this meme!

    1. I can tell,you exactly what I'd throw away, Ella ... any dress pants (trousers, for our overseas friends) with pleats in the front! ... nj ... xx

  11. You changed desks??? That is so sweet! :) Thank you for sharing. Been seeing this meme pop up, I think I'll try to do it as well tomorrow. :)

  12. Thanks, EsMay ... looking forward to your version! ... nj

  13. very to read your answers :-) enjoy these last summer days! Hugs

    1. Hi Terps ... it took forever to get here but already i'm feeling like summer is fading ... Fall is my favourite time of year ... bring it on :)) ... nj ... xx

  14. Enjoyed this! My first time visiting I think?

    1. I think it is, Minelle ... welcome! ... and welcome back to Blogland. I often read 'back in time' in various blogs. Your name is familiar to me ... hope all is well with you. Nice to see you here ... nj

  15. Urgh did you have to say 'rest of the summer???" LOL

    All but the driving, and remote hogging are me. The better singer? I think the rest of the world would probably benefit to us lip syncing- which I do far better at as you generally have to actually know the words to be able to lip sync. Reed is FAR older than I so even if we did grow up in the same city, he'd have to be faculty to be at the same high school at the same time. LOL

    Fun read.

    Oh PS, at least Frank follows the no white after labour day rule! lol

    1. Hi Evelyn ... I've been missing in action for a few weeks so missed your comment. Frank looked like faculty ;)) ... I'll have to wait and note when the wardrobe change happens :) ... thanks for dropping by! ... nj
