
Tuesday 20 November 2018

... the results are in ...

Well that was a ton of fun! ... thank you to all who came here as part of the 2018 LOL event. Frank and I had a great time reading, commenting, lurking :>)) and finding new blogs and bloggers. A special thanks again to Hermione for all she does to keep this event rolling.

I promised to post the results of the short little poll included in my post. There were 15 responses including one each from Frank and I ... so just in case you were waiting with bated breath ... here you go :>)) 

*below results are in ranked order with the lowest # as the highest ranked

There was one comment left:

Interesting poll. It is lovely to know there are other couples out there in 'our' age range who are very much into this lifestyle.

In addition to the poll there were several responses in my regular 'Give me a sign' section at the end of my posts, all signs Silent Reader friends had dropped by. 

So readers ... regular, new, silent or not ... it was good to 'meet' you all! ... thank-you again for visiting our little corner of ttwd Blogland ... nj and Frank 💖


  1. Hi NJ,

    LoL day was heaps of fun, I enjoyed visiting everyone.

    The poll was a wonderful idea, interesting reading the results.


  2. Hi NJ, You came up with a wonderful idea with the poll, it was fun.
    Hugs Lindy xx

  3. It was a wonderful idea. Happy you had fun.


  4. Nora Jean,
    This was a super idea to let people participate with no strings attached. I hope you build on this idea during the year. It has a world of possibilities.

    Glad you and Frank had fun this first LOL year.

    Hugs From Ella

  5. Very interesting NJ.
    I see that FM is at the bottom in terms of topics.
    Not a lot of strict wives and spanked husband's out there?

    1. I think the results are more representative of how/where the poll originated ... i.e., my blog ;)) I would bet if a blogger, with a bent more towards the F/m side of the coin, were to post the same, different results would emerge :) ... nj

  6. Great of you to gather the statistics.

  7. Interesting results, nj. Glad you and Frank had fun.
    Rosie xx

  8. Hi Nora Jean, :) Glad that you enjoyed your first LOL Day!

    So neat to see the results of your poll from the other day! That was such a fun and interesting idea for your post. Thank you for sharing with us all. Many hugs,

    ❤️Katie xoxo

  9. Congrats on a great first LOL day! Your post was great, your poll was great! What interesting results, too! I know I am glad you are here in blog land and behind the blog with me as well! HA! Hugs! Windy

  10. Lol was fun! You had a great post. Loved reading your poll results! I wonder about the ages of most bloggers?

  11. That poll was fun to do. Great idea!

  12. That was fascinating! I loved your poll!

    Happy you have began to blog!

  13. NJ,
    Loved reading the results. So glad to celebrate your first LOL Day.

  14. Hello, I'm returning your visit. Thank you for stopping in and leaving a comment. This is the second time I had the pleasure to visit you and I plan to be back again....

    peace and love
