
Sunday 31 March 2019

Did we miss something? ...

There was a bit of an ahha moment here this weekend.

I have been reading here and there on a new favourite blog and came about a description of an erotic spanking ... one that was a half hour or so long, had a slow, long workup, ending in great pleasure ...  sounding most delicious ... 

{scrreeeech!!! ........ "eh!?? ... is that really you talking, self-proclaimed non spanko, Nora Jean?!" ...

Yeah, yeah ... I heard all of you out there in Blogland ... close your mouths, you're gonna let the flies in ... 😁

I emailed the post link to Frank and read it out loud to him in bed the next morning. The post talked about the sweet spots, the warmup and leisurely getting there :>) 

I said to Frank ... "I think we missed something ... I think we were so intent on getting the DD dynamic going and all the various types of spankiness around that, we forgot to experiment with the EROTIC SPANKING!"

If you've been here for awhile, you know Frank and know he's game on for any kind of spanking activity ... we talked a bit more about where we thought said sweet spots might be and I wondered if a longer, more gradual warm up might make a difference for me ... Frank isn't exactly all about the warm up, let me tell you!

"I think I need to revisit those spanking books I bought last year ... can we talk about this again tomorrow?" .... I know, silly question to ask a spanko man ... 

So last night I did revisit my spanking book how to books ... eventually finding the one I was sure had the info we were looking for ... it is The Compleat Spanker written by Lady Green. Sure enough I found said sweet spot info ... complete with an anatomical diagram plus a section on Warmups. 

This morning found us in bed, comparing my bum to said diagram (geez! ... we are nutbars at times!) trying to figure out exactly where the fun stuff was all supposed to found ... I think we've got it.

Now for some experimentation. If I can just get Frank to slow it all down and take his time and work things up more gradually ... maybe he can help me find the magic that you all talk about ... LOL!

I'll keep you 'posted' ... nj


  1. NJ,
    Wait a second...... your new favorite blog? I thought MINE was your new favorite blog. HAHAHAHAHA Okay, I had to stop reading to say that, so now I will go read the res off your post.

    Oh gosh. Laughing. I'm only making it a paragraph at a time. So you've been doing quick and hard spankings this whole time?!!!! Storm and I learned from that MrLovingDD stuff many years ago..... the long spankings are where it's at, girl !

    Think kind of like sex.... women often need a slow buildup and not just a wham bam thank you ma'am. You have to meld into the spanking.....and that takes time.

    You are a nutbur, but it takes one to know one for sure! Glad you're exploring your "spanko"ness ....... hahahaaha Hugs! Windy

    1. Noooo .... yours is my favourite 'old' blog, Windy .... hahaha!
      Happy to have you laughing at my expense, my friend. Frank went 'wham bam thank you ma'am?? ... pffft!'... lol ... I think he was a little offended.

      Yes, there is some exploring to be done and probably many more laughs doing it ... hugs! ... nj

    2. My apologies to Frank......I am sure he goes long and strong... he'd have to in order to keep up with you. Although you have to keep up with him, too. You were definitely made for each other! Windy

  2. ummmmmmmm sensual spankings you say?! You didn't know about them??? Know how I have been moaning and whining about no spankings around here.... welllllllll I've been missing some nice long sensual spankings ....... best thing ever if you ask me...
    though my definition of 'sweet spot' may not be the same as yours - cause sweet spot tends to make me wince......
    you'll have to post updates and maybe a more definitive description of these sweet spots ok?? (grinning)

    Enjoy the exploration -- sometimes the journey is more fun than the destination

    1. You know I wondered about that when I read it on your blog, Morningstar ... kinda 'hmmmm, Morningstar? spanko?, interesting' ... lol! Now I get it. I think we will enjoy the journey ... nj

  3. As someone who just had her first ever good girl spanking this week, I can tell you, I'm as excited about this as you!!! :) It was freaking wonderful. And we've been doing DD for six years. About time we had one. lol I think I may have to look at this book. :) Any chance you'd be willing to email me the blog? ;) No worries if not. :) I love this post, I hope you guys have LOTS of fun exploring, over and over and over again. ;) And yeah, the Duke, not so big on warm ups either. :( Eek! lol
    Hugs, EsMay

    1. I'm laughing at myself, EsMay ... Last night I found another resource book in my ebook collection (maybe its the size of my ebook collection thats the issue ... lol!) by consulting my own Resource Page. It seems I also bought The Pleasure Mechanics Guide to Erotic Spanking last year ... and obviously didn't get all that far with it ... lol! I'll be reading it this week, sharing all the important parts with Frank. Hope you and Duke have fun with all your explorations, as well! ... nj ... xx

  4. I had to laugh at this...and cheer you guys on at the same time. Those long, slow playtimes that lead to explosive endings...or that just lead to some snuggling and hugging....those are the BEST. I will admit, they are easier to achieve when you have the house to just the two of you....hugs abby

    1. Thanks for the cheering on, Abby ... happy to give you a laugh or two :>)) ... hugs! ... nj

  5. I laughed at this post when I saw it. Sometimes I think that you DD girls are hardcore compared to us D/s subs when it comes to spanking. I believe in spanking as therapy and maintenance as well as pleasure, but I am less fond of the good old punishment type. I hope that you find happiness and pleasure in your endeavour into the erotic spank and look forward to reading more about it. missy xx

    1. I agree ... the land of DD has some pretty impressive spanko ladies, Missy! :>)) ... and I/we are looking forward to new discoveries in the world of spank! ... nj ... xx

  6. Oh my goodness, NJ! You have been missing out girlfriend. Experiment! Research and experiment some more. Cracks me up - comparing you to the chart in the book. Why? Because we've done that too! Eric even came home with a pile of paint swatches one day to see what shades of pink and red he could create. LOL

    1. LOL!... from my book collection, it looks like I started the research ... just didn't get around to reading it. The details of Sunday morning, Amy, were even funnier that what I wrote :>)) And yes, I can well imagine you and Eric are researchers extraordinaire ... nj

  7. Ooh, happy experimenting NJ :) you must fill us in lol. I had to giggle at you comparing your butt to the disgram.


    1. Like I said to Amy, Roz ... you don't know the half of it ... lol! I imagine our experimental adventures will result in a past or two :)) ... hugs ... nj

  8. Exploring in the world of spanking is wonderful. We have not tried erotic spanking, as somehow I crave stronger spankings as time has gone by (but not while receiving a stronger spanking), only afterwards.
    Do tell the ins and outs of erotic spankings, as they would apply to everyone.
    bottoms up

    1. Hi Red ... smiling at your comment about wanting more but only after :>)) ... I'll report back when I've come to some conclusions :>) ... nj

  9. Lol! I am more laughing at missy's comment about Dd women. We started out Dd and morphed into Ds. So far I am still not into erotic spankings ( or The Whip 'n Dip as I call them). They confuse me. I think for me I need the power exchange for the spanking to be arousing. I am envious of those who don't.

    Best of luck on your new venture!


    1. Love the term "Whip and Dip", Willie :>)) ... we've experimented a couple of times but still haven't got there yet. I think it might be because we started at D/s side then went to DD, the spanking took on an entirely different meaning. We shall see ... nj
