We were grocery shopping the other day when we passed one of those housewares sections in the middle of an aisle. My eye was immediately drawn to ....
.... Exaaactly!
A quick glance at Frank to see if he noticed anything showed he was looking in the same direction. He smirked and said 'I'm always on the lookout' .... but he kept walking and no further comment was forthcoming. I'm thinking ... 'lookout!? lookout for what!?' since I've also observed him 'on the lookout' in haircare and beauty aisles and second hand stores ... if he hasn't found what he's looking for yet, should I be getting worried?
Pssst ... do you think I should share with him my secret Pinterest Board called 'Implements' to help him find whatever it is he is looking for? ....
Thanks for dropping by :>)) .... nj
Hi, NoraJean! Yes, you should show him! Fun! Fun! haha Those spatulas can actually be wicked... the pancake flipper ones, I mean. As you know, I prefer the PPP for now. hehe Cute post!! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHi Windy … in my mind all spatulas would be wicked! … and since he reads my blog, the cat is out of the bag so to speak, altho’ he hasn’t yet asked specifically to see my ‘collection’. His only comment was ‘Implement Board, I’ll have to look for that one’ … hehehe … he doesn’t fully understand all the ins and outs of Pinterest and I’m not enlightening him. We’ll see what he finds :>))
DeleteHi Nora Jean, I don't think I would personally be telling him lol...oh, who am I kidding. I probably would lol.
ReplyDeleteThe kitchen isle is always dangerous! :)
Hi Roz … Yeah, you know you would :>)) Do you think the kitchen utensil manufacturers consider the ‘alternative uses’ for their products when they do their designs? :>)
Deletehi Nora jean, Don't show him anything made of wood, just saying..... I do have a nice silicon spoon I quite like though, that came from the kitchen section.....
ReplyDeletelove Jan, xx
Hi Jan, Thanks for the ‘no wood’ advice but silicon? really? hmmm … have to give that one some consideration :>)
DeleteWe have more implements than you can shake a stick at! Nick likes to switch it up during a spanking. It fun and I still look for them. But I am confused as to why a light wood like bamboo hurts so darn much!
ReplyDeleteHi PK … multiples at one go … yikes! I've read about some of your marathon sessions ... you are a brave girl!
DeleteI would imagine it is the lightness that makes bamboo hurt so much … think springy and stingy :>)
ReplyDeleteNo need to put ideas into that man's head. These guys never need any help at all. The kitchen is alaways a dangerous place. So some reason our paddle has remained in the drawer for weeks, but spankings continue. He prefers using his hand making the spanking longer. Ouch! I am a believer that implements in general are not in my control.
Hi Meredith … you are right. I’m pretty sure Frank either has or will figure it out on his own whether he needs or wants implements. So far, he does so love his personal implement ... er hand ... best. :>)
DeleteI've learned that some things are best kept to yourself.
ReplyDeleteHi Leigh … hehehe … good advice! :>)
DeleteI must live under a rock! A Pinterest implement board! Whoa!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Meredith, I would not be helping him out at all in this department. My guys seems quite self sufficient when it comes to the implement side of things! Good luck with that!
Hi Laurel … all my NJ Pinterest boards are ‘secret’ so unfortunately no sharing allowed unless in person which means I’ll be trying to keep my secrets to myself for awhile longer :>))
DeleteAnd yes, I’m pretty sure Frank can manage just fine on his own. It’s his continuing subtle hints that have me on edge :>)) and maybe that's just part of his HoH strategy :>)
Sharing is good - we learned that in kindergarten. ;)
Ha! … yes you are right, Amy. However, we also learned taking a hand to someone was not allowed and look where that got us :>))
DeleteI don’t think he needs that kind of prompt nj!
ReplyDeleteRosie xx
… and here's another 'what are you thinking!' vote ... Thanks, Rosie!
DeleteMere is right. They get enough ideas on their own. It is a sign that Frank is getting comfortable with all this. Sam winked at me yesterday and said there were 2 new implements on the way but would give no hints. I will keep you posted.
ReplyDeleteHugs From Ella
Hi Ella ... woohoo! sounds like fun at Ella and Sam's house is 'in the cards' :>))
Delete... the votes are in … thank-you all for your fun comments and advice! … I’ll try to keep my secret Pinterest Board a secret for while longer :>))
ReplyDeleteI am late to this party...but anything with holes stay far, far away from.....A variety of 'toys'is always fun..and as Master says, it is not the implement..it is the person holding it that determines the spanking! hugs abby
ReplyDeleteI will take your advice to heart, Abby ... no holes or hole like patterns for me! ;) ... glad to have you home and back online with us all ... have a great weekend! ... nj .. xx
DeleteOh, Abby, I was wondering about the holes..... hmmm.... thanks for the warning!
DeleteI always end up sharing thoughts like these with my Sir. I'm not usually disappointed when I do.
ReplyDeleteHi Lea ... I think Frank knows my thoughts (or he will by now because he reads my blog :>)) ... how much that will matter, will remain to be seen :>) ... nj