
Wednesday 30 May 2018

PK's Thursday Throwback ... a Challenge?

PK didn't actually issue a challenge ... her post was more like a suggestion to bloggers who've been in ttwd land for awhile ... 'why don't you join me' in reposting some of your favourites on a Throwback Thursday. It's me that is issuing the challenge ... because new, inquiring minds want to know. 

Most of the bloggers I read in ttwd land these days have been here for a long time ... PK, I think is 12 years. Hermione, 10-11 yrs, Bonnie is queen at around 13 yrs, Katie, 6, Abby 8, Meredith, 5, Ella 3, Amy, 3, EsMay, 4, Ronnie,?? (I suspect a long time as well!), Roz, Rosie, Jan, Baker, Lindy, Fondles, et al ... there is hardly  anyone under 2 yrs (Sorry for missing the many more of you but that's not my point).  

On the other side of the coin, there are very, very few of us who are 'new' ... myself, 4 months new to ttwd and blogging here. Windy, not new to ttwd but new to blogging and I am sure there are a few others as well that I don't know ... and if not bloggers, then occasional commentors. We are definitely a minority here ... and the performance anxiety is killing me ... ok, not really but I do occasionally think that what I write is boring history stuff ... not enough hanky, panky or spanky. I need someone else to pick up the slack :>)) ... and Windy is doing a fine job! - I was sooo happy she came along :>))

I understand how, after writing for a long time about ttwd/DD, spanking, D/s and all the intricacies of the various associated lifestyles represented in ttwd blogland, you would get tapped out ... find yourself at a spot where you've said all you want to, or can say ... or you've got to a point where you want to keep your life more personal and private because you and your partner have grown into a life you just don't want to share anymore ... or perhaps you no longer have ttwd/DD as an active practice in your life but you want to stay connected to this world.

Yes, I love reading blogs back to front and have done so for a few bloggers but I only have so many hours in a day and days in a year ... and I like books too :>)) So PK's suggestion is perfect. It would be great if all of you experienced folks could poke back in your archives and pull out some gems.

I am sure the readership out there has morphed over the years as well and as such, many of your reposts would find a new audience.  

... and btw ... Hermione has done a great job of compiling her spanking specific posts into one section of her blog, called the Impact Zone (found in January under the year 2007) along with a couple of other focused topics as well. They are a great read! 

So I am supporting PK (yeah! PK!). If you don't do it tomorrow, then maybe join her next week. Pull out a favourite. Tell the reader world out there why it's your favourite and let it be reborn!

thanks for stopping by ... nj


  1. NJ, this is a tremendous post!!! Way to spread the word to the experienced bloggers and encourage them to join PK ! You are a really good blogger as well, NJ, so you keep writing, girl. I love visiting your blog. Thanks for the sweet things you said about me. HUGS!

  2. NJ,
    You are so right.......... PK is the blogger who was here longest. I will see what I can do and hunt for one from the archives. Funny, I have MANY posts are ready to go. I am spacing them out. I need to start hunting. Thansk, NJ and PK.

  3. I appreciate the help in spreading this idea/challenge. I'm really looking forward to sharing some of these old post and I'm looking forward to reading some old friend's post as well.

  4. Hi NJ, I always enjoy reading here, what you write is definitely not boring :)

    You do make a good point about readership having changed and it's great looking back over earlier posts and reflecting on them and how far we have come in ttwd. I love PK's idea!

    Not sure if I will join in yet though, I haven't posted in so long, mainly as we haven't practiced ttwd for some time now.


  5. NJ, I love the fresh perspective on ttwd that you bring us in your relatively new blog. And I love to visit here and see what's new with you and Frank.

    I remember the feeling of being the new kid on the block. I, too, was already living ttwd when Mere encouraged me to start writing. I will look back in the archives soon and share something that might be appreciated.

    Hugs From Ella

  6. NJ, Harry and I were three years into ttwd when I bit the bullet and began blogging. I’ve only written 40 posts in two years, so I’m not sure I have anything of note to repost. I’ll have a look back and see if I can rise to the challenge next week, it will take me that long to work out how to do it!
    I’m enjoying reading your story. It’s good to have a new perspective, as Ella said.
    Rosie xx

    1. Hi Rosie ... If you need any help figuring out the how to, send me an email ... nj

  7. Great challenge! It helped me come out of my slump. I'm not an veteran blogger, as I've only been blogging for 19 months exactly, but I found one I felt was worthy of reposting.

    Thanks to you and PK for the idea!

  8. Hello NJ, Thank you for summing up all that's out here. It's been very motivating to have other bloggers post and share. Doesn't matter if you are new to the scene or a longtime fanatic - we all learn so much from each other. Good times!!!

  9. It was a blast reading all the posts yesterday ... can't wait 'till next week! ... nj

  10. I agree, reposting an oldie but a goodie is a fantastic idea. I look forward to reading them. I also enjoy reading here as well NoraJean, you’re an excellent writer with interesting ideas. Thank you for taking the plunge into blogging.

  11. I want to thank you for stopping by my 'blog'. If ever you run out of reading material shoot me an email and I can let you access my old blog. Trust me there are a LOT OF LONG posts to keep you occupied until you are no longer a 'new' blogger. LOL.

    As for new blogger, I feel I should say a few things. It has been my experience (after being in this community for almost 7 years as a reader then blogger and now 'just' commenter) that the 'title' new applies for a few years when it comes to ttwd. Sure not blogging, but living the life. So don't worry about 4 months or 18 months or 3 years. We are all new when it comes to learning and growing in ttwd...TRUST ME, that is a good (and often painful) thing.

    As for the new in blogging and what to write about...the core of ttwd is relationship. Spanking or kinky sex is a means to an end (I don't mean that in a negative way). A tool, a signifier, whatever you want to call it of the relationship. So write away! Write about your history, it gives us insight to better offer opinions and help later on down the road. Write about chickens and roosters, it gives us a fuller picture of your daily life, and helps us connect with you on a more personal level. Write about your struggles and insecurities because we have all been there and we can hold your hand and tell you it is going to be okay.

    I rarely wrote about spankings, not because I was private, but because I used my blog to process our adventure in ttwd. In fact much of what I wrote about was way more personal than any physical aspect could ever be.

    My point is, please don't have anxiety over what you post here. Please don't have anxiety IF you post here. Post when you want, what you want. I know many have felt they need to post often to be a part of the community. You don't. Please don't add that pressure to yourself to come up with something. Be authentic. Stay true to yourself and your dynamic and enjoy the ride!!!

