I ended my post before last, on a high note, with a promise of more story to come. Unfortunately what followed wasn't quite what you might expect ...
We had a great Spring in 2017 ... tons of fun in and out of the bedroom. Then, as fast as it came about, it was gone.
In writing my FSoG post I had a great time rereading the sexy back and forth emails we exchanged (Frank does not text ... does not even own a cellphone as he tossed his when he retired). On May 14th, 2017, I sent ... "..... I've bookmarked a very sexy part in the book I'm reading. If you are interested in reading it, let me know 😘😍❤️" ... There was no return email to be found and no further email exchanges at all.

In looking back, I now remember I didn't really think too much about at the time. However not too long after, it suddenly dawned on me ... "Waaait a minute ... what's going on?" ... I realized there was no daily lingerie was being laid out in the morning. And come to think of it, there was no man behind me copping a feel while I was working in the kitchen nor were there any of his other handsy moves he makes all the time. Odd ... very odd. I ask Frank if everything is ok. He doesn't seem to think there's an issue. More time goes on and now I'm paying attention ... we're at no sex at night and not a lot in the morning which means something is going on. Frank is a sex everyday if he can get it kind of man and as I said in my last post his sexuality is a big part of his personality. I was also noticing an overall difference in him in that he was quite quiet and introverted ... Now it was me who was saying 'who are you and what have you done with my husband'!
I worked for many years in computer systems management. When one of our services failed the first thing our team looked for was 'what was the last system change' ... and that's exactly what I asked myself and I immediately knew the answer.
In 2015, Frank was diagnosed with kidney cancer and had emergency surgery to remove the affected kidney (it was a horrible year ... and most of 2016 wasn't a whole lot better as it took a long time for him to recover physically and mentally). Thankfully now, all is well, however he does have to have regular checkups and tests. In March his Doc decided his blood pressure was too high so she put him on medication. Then at the end of April she decided it hadn't dropped enough so she added a second medication. He was fine in March and April so I suspected drug #2 was the culprit. I consulted Dr Google and sure enough ... there it was ... said med has the potential to decrease libido. Those Libidos ... always causing trouble ;)
I told Frank what I'd discovered and suggested he go talk to his Dr. He was a bit horrified ... our Doc is female and he balked at the thought of having to go talk to her about his sex life. So I left it for awhile, getting more and more frustrated as time went on .... and by now I'm thinking - 'karma is such a bitch!'. With the shoe on the other foot, I now knew how he felt for those very many years when Lola Libido and I were dodging, evading and refusing.
I tried adding 'make a Drs appt' to his daily to do list. I threatened to go talk to her myself. However I knew darn well when you are the one at the low end of the libido scale, you don't see anything wrong with it. You simply 'don't feel like it' and what's the big deal about that.
I tried adding 'make a Drs appt' to his daily to do list. I threatened to go talk to her myself. However I knew darn well when you are the one at the low end of the libido scale, you don't see anything wrong with it. You simply 'don't feel like it' and what's the big deal about that.
Finally there was a breaking point. It happened on a rare day when he suggested sexy time might be in the cards that night and specified the lingerie he'd like (of course he did ;>) ... and if you are new to this blog and puzzled about my man's lingerie obsession you can read about it here :>)).
"Woohoo!", I thought. I went the whole nine yards ... hair, makeup, sexy lingerie and sashayed myself out to the living room where he was watching TV, only to have him ...
I was absolutely devastated. Never in our 47 yrs had he ever passed up an opportunity to make love. I immediately took myself to bed and cried my eyes out. I was heartbroken.
He came into the bedroom not too long after, got into bed with me, held me, kissed me, consoled me and apologized from the bottom of his heart. I told him how hurt I was and how much I missed him ... the real him.
I explained I felt we were like two ships that had passed in the night ... we'd only had those 3 or 4 months where we were on the same path, such a good path, and I was so sad that it was gone and now I was afraid we'd never get it back. He finally admitted that he hadn't been feeling like himself and agreed he needed to go talk to the doc.
"Woohoo!", I thought. I went the whole nine yards ... hair, makeup, sexy lingerie and sashayed myself out to the living room where he was watching TV, only to have him ...
... Turn Me Down ...
I was absolutely devastated. Never in our 47 yrs had he ever passed up an opportunity to make love. I immediately took myself to bed and cried my eyes out. I was heartbroken.
He came into the bedroom not too long after, got into bed with me, held me, kissed me, consoled me and apologized from the bottom of his heart. I told him how hurt I was and how much I missed him ... the real him.
I explained I felt we were like two ships that had passed in the night ... we'd only had those 3 or 4 months where we were on the same path, such a good path, and I was so sad that it was gone and now I was afraid we'd never get it back. He finally admitted that he hadn't been feeling like himself and agreed he needed to go talk to the doc.
But then, because nothing our life ever goes to plan, life intervened. He had 'an episode' ... an odd set of symptoms that required a hospital emergency visit and due to his medical history, a subsequent set of tests. Immediately everything else went on the back burner. When it came time to go visit the doc for the test results I went with him (after a couple of disasters, we have a pact where he does not go for test results appointments without me). I told him up front we were also talking to her about his other problem.
Whew! ... all the tests came back negative. There was no explanation for what had occurred but to know nothing else was wrong was such a relief. I was now waiting for him to say something to her about the BP meds and when he didn't I immediately jumped in. I am not at all shy so I laid it all out for her. She had a bit of a smile on her face when she told him she would do some research (although there are many types of BP meds, him having only one kidney affects the types he can take) and he was to come back in a few days and she'd have a new prescription for him.
When we got to the car I said "See .... that wasn't so hard now was it?" I got a glare ... "yeah, I loved sitting there while you two talked about my sex life" ... "our sex life", I corrected him.
Within a week or so after he went off the old med and started the new, I got up in the AM to find lingerie laid out for me .... big sigh of relief!! ... thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! ... I have my man back!
PS ... on the positive side, BP meds improve blood flow - yes, down there as well ... Frank is enjoying those side benefits ... and so am I 😀
and PPS ... at his next checkup the doc asked him how things were going with the med change ... his response ... "Nora Jean is happy" ... there is truth in the saying ... happy wife, happy life 😋
Thanks for dropping by! ... nj
Thanks for dropping by! ... nj
Hi Nora Jean, Well I want to say "snap" to Frank as I have had kidney cancer too! It was jolly horrod and he has my sympathy. It takes ages to get over stuff like that and I have had two or three other nasty things since. It is really hard to get back to normal(whatever that is).All men seem to find it hard to talk to a doctor about that sort of stuff too. Hugs all round
ReplyDeletelove Jan, xx
Hi Jan ... Frank sends a special nod and hug (X) to you (sorry we're not familiar with the term 'snap' ... you have to enlighten us :>)). Like the ttwd community, cancer survivors share a community as well. Sorry to hear you've had other things going on as well.
DeleteI don't think we know 'normal' in our lives ... every time we think life is back to 'normal', $&@? hits the fan ... we've learned to just roll with it ;)) ... hugs! ... nj
hi Nora Jean, Snap is a card game for kids and you say it when you both put down identical cards, so you say it when something is the same, in our case the big C! That last sentence is so right, that is what has happened to us too, plod on.....
Deletelove Jan, xx
Ahha! ... yes, I am familiar with the old card game, Snap. I've just never heard it used in this context ... thanks for the clarification, Jan ... have a great weekend! ... nj ... xx
DeleteHi Nora Jean, thank you for sharing this with us. I'm so sorry you and Frank have been through the ordeal of cancer. So glad to hear all is now well and that the doctors are continuing to monitor.
ReplyDeleteYou must have been so worried with the latest episode! Thank goodness the tests were negative.
Good on you for figuring out the bp meds and for speaking up with the doctor. Glad things are returning to normal :)
Hi Roz ... Things have been good for about 6 months now so we are very happy with that - no big drama in 2018. Although, I wouldn't call it 'normal' ... lol ... taking a right turn into ttwd world in Feb has opened our eyes to whole new 'normal' we are still getting used to ;>)) ... nj ... xx
DeleteNora Jean, I'm so giggling over the end results of all of this illness your man went through. Your happy, therefore he's happy. Love it!
We are definitely in a good spot, Baker! ... Good to 'see' you again :)) ... nj ... xx
DeleteThis is a great post - we forget that medicine have side-effects and we often don't realize them for what they are. So glad you spoke up and greatly improved the situation.
ReplyDeleteI was a bit hesitant to share all this PK. However, if it helps one person who might be going through something similar, I'm happy with that. ... nj
DeleteGreat post...you will never know how many you could have helped....meds are wonderful...but those BP meds (and others also) do have not so great side effects! Good for you for hanging in there...and speaking up at the doc appt. Happy wife, happy marriage...and I bet, much happier hubby. hugs abby
ReplyDeleteThanks Abby! ... As I said to PK, I will be happy if posting this has helped one person. BP treatment with medication is so common (especially as we age), but the side effects are not always clearly understood. With some it can be erectile dysfunction and others, libido ... v. different but that difference is not always well understood either. And yes, Hubby is very happy ;)) ... nj ... xx
ReplyDeleteMany of our readers are at a point where meds are important. All the more reason to talk with the professionals so that all systems are go. Happy wife, happy life seems like the right way to get it all taken care of. Great post!
Thanks, Meredith! But getting those men of ours to actually 'talk' (versus just 'visit') the medical professionals, can be a challenge ... my theory is it lands in the same territory as asking for directions ;>)) ... nj ... xx
DeleteThis is a timely post for me, Nora Jean. We both so wish that things could be different, but we have had to see more than our share of doctors lately.
ReplyDeleteI loved your humor in dealing with this difficult time. Glad there is lingerie on the bed again. It is certainly rare for Sam to pass me by without and little tap or touch, so your post made me smile this morning.
Hugs From Ella
• I do love those 'love taps', Ella ... now with ttwd, they take a different form (often a swat or a pinch) but their intent is the same ... they say ... "I love you, woman, and you are mine!" ... nj ... xx
DeleteWow, that was a lot to go through! How upsetting and exhausting and difficult. Thanks for your honesty and openness, NJ. Most of us have had some kind of serious thing going on behind the blog, but we don't often share. I'm glad you did. I'm so happy you have your healthy lingerie loving man, back!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Windy ... I hesitated to share the cancer situation at all … I could have still told the story without it. However, my blog is titled what it is with specific intent. Frank and I have survived a lot of living to get to this deeply loving stage we are at. I do know I would not have been able to blog about it at the time it was happening because that's when and why I abandoned my vanilla world blog entirely. After the fact, with some time having passed, I'm ok with it. When you think about it, we all share deeply personal and intimate details of our lives in our ttwd blogs. I think it's occasionally its ok to share the bad and some of the ugly. Yikes! ... this would be my one deep thought for the day ... now it's 'wine time' ;>)) ... nj ... xx
DeleteThank you so much for sharing this. I think far too often, when our bodies/mindset change, we tend to blame it on age. My experience shows many times it is chemical and the reality is, there are enough pharmaceuticals in the world that if one causes adverse side-effects, there is always another one to try. Glad you figured it out and got your sexy back on!
I'm glad it meant something, Amy ... high BP is a silent enemy at any age. I'm happy we figured it out or we wouldn't be hanging out here with you all! ;)) ... nj ... xx
DeleteThis post was truly from the heart, thanks for sharing those tough times. I am glad to hear they have passed you by and things are back to what makes life good again for you and Frank. There is nothing more frightening than your partner not being well, and not realizing it.
ReplyDeleteI love the pact you have made regarding appointments, taking care of each other is paramount.:)
Hi Laurel ... We are thoroughly appreciating Frank's new lease on life and his current good health. The upside is he's slimmer, trimmer, eating right and looking good ;)) ... nj ... xx
DeleteThank you for sharing that difficult time, Nora Jean. Glad all is well now.
ReplyDeleteRosie xx
Thanks Rosie ... We're definitely in a good place now ... nj ... xx
DeleteHi Nora Jean, :) Thank you for sharing your story here! I'm so glad to hear that Frank is doing well now, in all health aspects, and that he is back to laying out pretty lingerie for you! You were smart to speak with the doctor, even when Frank hesitated. So glad that all is well!
ReplyDeleteSo many meds have side effects. It seems as if med information either scares one to death, or is minimized and left out entirely. There never seems to be a sensible in between. So glad that Frank's doc got on it and made the change, and that he feels himself once more! Many hugs,
❤️Katie xoxo
Hi Katie ... we are definitely living in a pharmaceutical culture ... everyone wants a magic pill for this or that ailment. However, aren't we lucky to have that choice. We just need to remember to ask questions re side effects, etc.
DeleteHappy to see you back online, Katie! ... have a great weekend ... nj ... xx